G'day! I’m Loka, Project Lead and a tutor at CenableCare specialising in Maths and Science. I’ve spent over twenty years tutoring students in these subjects, helping them to improve their grades and truly understand the material. My experience spans managing project teams, developing course content, preparing materials, and most importantly – tutoring.
I specialise in VCE Specialist Mathematics (Units 1-4) and Year 7-10 Maths and Science. Whether you’re aiming for top VCE results or just want to solidify your understanding of key concepts, I tailor my lessons to suit your needs and learning style.
With a knack for adaptability and a compassionate approach, I focus on building both skills and confidence in my students. I’m organised, tech-savvy, and have a solid background in curriculum development and student mentoring. My dedication to research and continuous improvement ensures that every lesson is relevant and impactful.
I’m proud to say I was a school and university topper and have even had papers published in international journals. But it’s not about the awards – it’s about helping you achieve your best.
"Let's work together to tackle those tricky topics and reach your academic goals!"